Safeguarding is a practice and posture ingrained into the life of our church. We care for and love people, and Jesus, our role model, shows us what love is. It is patient, kind, it honours others, it’s not self seeking, it’s not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, it doesn’t delight in evil, but it celebrates with the truth. Our safeguarding approach is outlined in our policy which has guidelines for good practice with the aim of protecting the young and vulnerable who come into contact with our church.
We have regular safeguarding training and a code of conduct that all those involved in leading or assisting activities in our church are required to follow. Our leaders, youth and children’s workers are all DBS checked.
Safeguarding at King’s Church is led and co-ordinated by Debbie Warn. Joy Larder is the deputy safeguarding lead.
If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding at King’s Church, please do not hesitate to contact us at safeguarding@kings-soton.org.uk.